2015 Annual Meeting: http://www.aaoms.org/annual_meeting/2015/index.php

Multiple Zygoma Implants in Severe Maxillary Atrophy

Cesar A. Guerrero DDS Galveston, TX, USA
Marianela Gonzalez DDS,MS,MD Dallas, TX, USA
Roger R Throndson DDS Galveston, TX, USA
Purpose: to rehabilitate patients with multiple anchorages in adjacent bone structures for severe maxillary atrophy

Data: 85 patients ages 11 (ectodermal dysplasia) to 79 years old, completely edentulous and no bone for standard dental implants were treated, with 430 zygoma implants, the surgery was transmucosally and the sinus membranes were lifted inserting the fixtures into the anterior maxilla, body of the zygoma and/or tuberosity, as anchorage for a metal infrastructure hybrid denture. All patients had provisional teeth installed the day of the surgery.

Results: All patients were definitively rehabilitated within 6 weeks after surgery and cosmetics and function were ideally obtained. The complications were very few: 3 sinusitis, 2 implants losses in 2 to 16 years follow up, average 7.5 years.

Conclusions: Multiple zygoma implants anchorage for dental rehabilitation is stable and predictable. Avoiding bone grafts and time without wearing teeth.


Guerrero C., Sabogal A. “Zygoma Implants. Atlas of surgery and prosthetics.” Ripano. 2009.

Guerrero CA, Sader G, Henriquez M, Trujillo R, Pisano R. Sabogal A, Mont’Alverne A. :Implantes Zigomaticos com Desenho Pentagonal para a Reabilitacao Inmediata da Maxila. Implant News. V. 9, N 6a, PBA, Brazil Novembro/Dezembro. 2012. P. 49-64