2015 Annual Meeting: http://www.aaoms.org/annual_meeting/2015/index.php

CME Disclosure Index:

The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons(AAOMS) Disclosure Policy


Abbaszadeh, K.
Nothing to Disclose
Abramowicz, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Abt, B. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Adachie, A. O.
Nothing to Disclose
Adami, G.
Nothing to Disclose
Aghaloo, T. L.
Straumann USA: Research Grant
Amgen: Research Grant
Agur, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Akin, R. T.
Nothing to Disclose
Al-Khatib, K.
Nothing to Disclose
Al-Obaidi, M. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Al-Ruwaily, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Al-Yahya, Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Alawi, F.
Nothing to Disclose
Alfi, D. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Altay, M. A.
Checkpoint Surgical LLC: Consultant
Amin, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Andrasik, N.
Nothing to Disclose
Aravindaksha, S. P.
Nothing to Disclose
Archer, B.
Nothing to Disclose
Aronovich, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Arya, V.
Nothing to Disclose
Atencio, I. C.
Nothing to Disclose
Atil, F.
Nothing to Disclose
Awadallah, M. W.
Nothing to Disclose
Azenha, M. R.
Nothing to Disclose


Bae, S. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Bais, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Baker, P. A.
NIDCR of NIH: Research Grant
Balasundaram, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Balikov, S. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Balint, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Ballard, B.
Nothing to Disclose
Banki, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Banta, L. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Barralet, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Barton, E.
Nothing to Disclose
Bauer, J. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Baur, D. A.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals: Consultant
Checkpoint Surgical LLC: Consultant
Bazina, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Bebeau, M. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Becking, A. G.
Nothing to Disclose
Bell, R. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Bennett, J. D.
Nothing to Disclose
Betts, N. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Bezak, B. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Bikey, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Blakey, G. III
Nothing to Disclose
Block, M. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Bonnick, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Boss, H.
Nothing to Disclose
Bouloux, G. F.
Nothing to Disclose
Boyce, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Boyd, S. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Bradley, G.
Nothing to Disclose
Brady, J. D.
Nothing to Disclose
Braidy, H. F.
Nothing to Disclose
Braly, E.
Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc.: Physician Surveyor
Bramer, J. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Brattain, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Brecht, L.
Nothing to Disclose
Brockhoff, H. C. II
Nothing to Disclose
Brook, I.
Nothing to Disclose
Brotkowski, E.
Nothing to Disclose
Buchbinder, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Buhrow, J. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Burke, A. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Busaidy, K. F.
Nothing to Disclose


Caccamese, J. F. Jr.
Nothing to Disclose
Caiazzo, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Caldemeyer, C.
Nothing to Disclose
Caldroney, S. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Callahan, N. F.
Nothing to Disclose
Calvi, R. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Caminiti, M. F.
Nothing to Disclose
Canham, L.
Hu-Friedy: Writing Honorarium
Purelife Dental: Educational Grant
Trapezio: Royalties
Sterisil : Educational Grant
Carlbom, I. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Carlson, E. R.
Wiley: Book royalties
Carter, J. B.
Heartland Dental: Consultant and Stock/Bonds
Chacon, G. E.
Nothing to Disclose
Chaffee, M. P.
Nothing to Disclose
Chand, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Chandler, K. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Chavda, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Chigurupati, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Cho, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Cho, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Choi, E.
Nothing to Disclose
Chuang, S. K.
Nothing to Disclose
Cillo, J. E. Jr.
Nothing to Disclose
Claiborne, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Clay, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Clokie, C.
Induce Biologics: Stock/Bonds
Collins, M. T.
Nothing to Disclose
Costello, B. J. III
Stryker: Consultant
Criddle, T. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Cron, R. Q.
Nothing to Disclose
Crowley, J. F.
Nothing to Disclose
Cuddy, K. K.
Nothing to Disclose
Cullum, D. R.
Nobel Biocare: Speaker's Bureau
Piezosurgery: Speaker's Bureau
Osteogenics: Speaker's Bureau
BioHorizons: Speaker's Bureau
H&H Company: Instrument Royalties
Cummings, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Cunningham, L. L. Jr.
Nothing to Disclose
Curley, A. W.
Nothing to Disclose
Currie, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Cutler Peck, C.
Nothing to Disclose
Cuzalina, L. A.
Nothing to Disclose


D'Innocenzo, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Dahaba, M. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Daley, T.
Nothing to Disclose
Dang, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Darling, M.
Nothing to Disclose
David, L. A.
NobelBiocare: Consultant
Davies, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Davis, B. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Davis, C.
Nothing to Disclose
Davis, K.
Nothing to Disclose
de Lange, J.
Nothing to Disclose
de Leeuw, K. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Deeb, G. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Delmore, M. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Demko, C. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Dennis, M. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Denson, D. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Desa, V.
Nothing to Disclose
Desai, K. G.
the Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation: Research Grant
Desai, N.
Nothing to Disclose
DeSesa, C.
Nothing to Disclose
Dhaliwal, H. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Dhawan, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Di Pasquale, L.
Amgen: Research Grant
Novartis: Stock/Bonds
Dierks, E. J.
KLS-Martin: Consultant and Speaker's Bureau
Tissue Regenerative Systems: Stock Options
Digumarthi, H.
Nothing to Disclose
Dillon, J. K.
Nothing to Disclose
Dodson, T. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Doucet, J. C.
Nothing to Disclose
Drake, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Dubois, L.
Nothing to Disclose
DuFresne, C. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Dyalram, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Dyer, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Dyer, T.
Nothing to Disclose


Ebb, D. H.
Nothing to Disclose
Ebrahimi, E.
Nothing to Disclose
Edwards, S. P.
Nothing to Disclose
Eftekhari, S. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Eisenberg, E.
Nothing to Disclose
El-Hakim, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Elfaramawi, T. I.
Nothing to Disclose
Elo, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Elvin, J.
Foundation Medicine: Employee
Emanuele, N.
Nothing to Disclose
Emery, R. W.
X-Nav Technologies LLC: Partner / Owner and Partner / Owner
Ernica, N. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Error, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Esonu, O.
Nothing to Disclose
Estabrooks, L. N.
OMSNIC/Fortress: Stock/Bonds
Esuruoso, O.
Nothing to Disclose
Everts, J. E.
Nothing to Disclose
Ewers, R.
Bicon: Research Grant


Fagin, A. P.
Nothing to Disclose
Farahi, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Faramawey, M. I.
Nothing to Disclose
Farrell, B. B.
Stryker: Consultant
Fattahi, T.
Nothing to Disclose
Fay, M. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Fenton, D. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Ferguson Young, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Ferneini, E. M.
American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons: Speaker's Bureau
Fiamoncini, E. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Fisher, E.
Nothing to Disclose
Fleer, M. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Fleisher, K. E.
Nothing to Disclose
Flores-Hidalgo, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Flynn, T. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Freymiller, E. G.
Nothing to Disclose
Friedlich, J. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Friedrich, R. E.
Nothing to Disclose
Fujihara, H.
Nothing to Disclose
Fung, H. C.
Nothing to Disclose
Futran, N.
Nothing to Disclose


Gadiwalla, Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Gallagher, J. W.
Nothing to Disclose
Gangula, P.
Nothing to Disclose
Gateno, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Gauthier, B.
Nothing to Disclose
Geist, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Georgiou, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Gerard, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Ghali, G. E.
Nothing to Disclose
Ghazali, N.
Nothing to Disclose
Giannakopoulos, H.
Nothing to Disclose
Gigliotti, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Girod, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Golden, B. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Goldwaser, B.
Nothing to Disclose
Golob Deeb, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Gonçales, E. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Gonzalez, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Gonzalez, M. L.
Nothing to Disclose
Goodday, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Gooris, P. J. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Gordon, N.
Nothing to Disclose
Govoni, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Grammer, R. L.
Nothing to Disclose
Gray, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Green, J. M. III
Nothing to Disclose
Gregoire, C.
Nothing to Disclose
Grossi-Oliveira, G. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Guerrero, C. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Guise, T. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Gunson, M. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Gutta, R.
Nothing to Disclose


Haghighi, K.
Nothing to Disclose
Hakam, M. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Halpern, L. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Hamada, Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Hamedi Sangsari, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Hamilton-Hall, C. L.
Nothing to Disclose
Haney, R. G.
Nothing to Disclose
Hanna, I.
Nothing to Disclose
Hannam, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Harrelson, B.
Nothing to Disclose
Harvey, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Hasebe, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Haupt, A. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Haupt, D. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Helman, J. I.
PERI RX: Research Grant
Henry, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Herford, A. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Hew, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Hilchey Masters, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Hirsch, D. L.
Nothing to Disclose
Hoang, P.
Nothing to Disclose
Hoffman, D. C.
Nothing to Disclose
Holmes, H.
Nothing to Disclose
Holtzclaw, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Horswell, B. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Hossaini-Zadeh, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Hudson, J. W.
Nothing to Disclose
Hum, L.
Nothing to Disclose
Hung, O.
Scotia MD Engineering Inc.,: Stock/Bonds
Panag Pharma Inc.: Stock/Bonds
Huwais, S.
Nothing to Disclose


Icenogle, L. D.
Nothing to Disclose
Imirzalioglu, N.
Nothing to Disclose
Inverso, G.
Nothing to Disclose
Isaza, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Israel, H.
Therapeutic Mobilization Devices, LLC: Owner


Jackson, D. W.
Nothing to Disclose
Jackson-Boeters, L.
Nothing to Disclose
Jansen, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Jaskolka, M. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Johal, N.
Nothing to Disclose
Johnson, J. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Jones, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Jui, V.
Nothing to Disclose
Jundt, J.
Nothing to Disclose


Kaban, L. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Kademani, D.
Biomet: Consultant
Kang, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Kapila, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Kawaguchi, K.
Nothing to Disclose
Kawasaki, Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Keceli, G.
Nothing to Disclose
Kennedy, K. S.
the Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation: Research Grant
Kerawala, C. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Khan, Z.
Nothing to Disclose
Khariwala, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Kim, D. G.
Nothing to Disclose
Kim, D. D.
Nothing to Disclose
Kim, J. Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Kim, R. Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Kinard, B. E.
Nothing to Disclose
King, B. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Kirk, D. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Kishi, Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Klatt, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Kocyigit, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Kolokythas, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Krishnan, D. G.
Nothing to Disclose
Kronenwetter, N.
Nothing to Disclose
Krutyansky, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Kumagai, K.
Nothing to Disclose
Kuriakose, M. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Kurokawa, H.
Nothing to Disclose
Kushner, G. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Kwok, J.
Nothing to Disclose


Lahey, E. T. III
Nothing to Disclose
Lam, D. K.
Nothing to Disclose
Lampert, R. C.
Nothing to Disclose
Landesberg, R.
Amgen: Research Grant
Landry, P. É.
Nothing to Disclose
Lang, M. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Lapointe, H.
Nothing to Disclose
Larsen, P. E.
Astra: Research Grant
3i: Consultant
Zimmer: Consultant
ATI: Research Grant
Laviv, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Lazow, S. K.
Nothing to Disclose
Le, B. T.
Orapharma: Consultant and Speaker's Bureau
Biohorizons: Consultant , Research Grant and Speaker's Bureau
Zimmer Dental: Consultant , Research Grant and Speaker's Bureau
Dentsply: Research Grant
Nobel Biocare: Research Grant and Speaker's Bureau
Leavitt, B. D.
Nothing to Disclose
Ledderhof, N.
Nothing to Disclose
Lee, C. C. Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Lee, J. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Lee, J. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Lee, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Lee, U.
Nothing to Disclose
Levine, J. P.
Nothing to Disclose
Levintov, N.
Nothing to Disclose
Lewis, D. P. Jr.
Practice SafeGuard: Fraud detection software
Li, Z.
Nothing to Disclose
Liebgott, B.
Nothing to Disclose
Lieblich, S. E.
Pacira Pharma: Consultant
Pierrel Pharma: Speaker's Bureau
Liu, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Lopez, B.
Nothing to Disclose
Louis, P. J.
BioHorizon: Consultant
Lubek, J. E.
Nothing to Disclose
Lunday, L. E.
Nothing to Disclose


Maal, T. J. J.
Nothing to Disclose
MacIntosh, R. B.
Nothing to Disclose
MacLeod, S. P. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Magliocca, K. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Magro-Filho, O.
Nothing to Disclose
Majors, J. P.
eAlliance: Speaker's Bureau
BioHorizons: Speaker's Bureau
Makan, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Makhoul, N.
Nothing to Disclose
Makovey, I.
Nothing to Disclose
Mallery, S. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Malmquist, J. P.
Nobelbiocare: Consultant and Speaker's Bureau
Mancuso, J. D.
Nothing to Disclose
Mangat, H. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Manlove, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Manolakakis, M. G.
Nothing to Disclose
Markiewicz, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Markovic, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Markowitz, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Marti, K. C.
Nothing to Disclose
Maruoka, Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Marwan, H. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Marx, R. E.
Harvest Technologies: Consultant
Medtronics: Consultant
Masters, K.
Nothing to Disclose
Matthews, N. S.
Biomet: Consultant
Mausolf, J. K.
Practice Solutions Inc: Author
Practice Solutions Inc: My books Rise & Shine and TA-DAH! and Smile & Shine and TA-DAH bands
May, W. R. Jr.
Nothing to Disclose
McArdle, L.
Nothing to Disclose
McCain, J. P.
Nothing to Disclose
McCann, K. J.
Nothing to Disclose
McClure, S.
Nothing to Disclose
McDonald, F.
Nothing to Disclose
McFadden, L.
Nothing to Disclose
McKenna, S. J.
Nothing to Disclose
McKenzie, W. S.
Nothing to Disclose
McKinlay, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Meara, D. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Mehra, P.
Nothing to Disclose
Melo, M. D.
Nothing to Disclose
Melville, J. C.
Nothing to Disclose
Menegotto, K.
Nothing to Disclose
Menezes, J. D. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Mercuri, L. G.
TMJ Concepts: Consultant and Stock/Bonds
Metzler, P.
Nothing to Disclose
Mhlaba, J. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Militsakh, O.
Nothing to Disclose
Miloro, M.
AxoGen Inc.: Consultant
Mirchel, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Misch, C. M.
Dentsply: Consultant and Speaker's Bureau
BioHorizons: Consultant , Research Grant and Speaker's Bureau
Miyasako, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Moe, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Moore, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Morlandt, A. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Morris, G. A.
Biomet 3i: Consultant
Moutray, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Moy, P. K.
Nobel Biocare: Consultant and Speaker's Bureau
OsteoScience Foundation: Board of Director, Member
Osstell Corporation: Consultant and Speaker's Bureau
Keystone Dental: Speaker's Bureau
BioHorizons: Speaker's Bureau
Geistlich: Speaker's Bureau
Intra-Lock System: Speaker's Bureau
Mupparapu, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Murphy, J. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Murtadha, L.
Nothing to Disclose


Nadershah, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Nahlieli, O.
Sialotechnology: Consultant
Nakagawa, Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Nelson, W. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Ness, G. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Niamtu, J. III
Ellman International: Speaker's Bureau
Valeant: Consultant
Nicholls, D. W.
Nothing to Disclose
Nielsen, P. G.
Nothing to Disclose


Obwegeser, H. L.
Nothing to Disclose
Obwegeser, J. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Ochs, M. W.
Stryker Craniomaxillofacial: Consultant
Oguienko, O.
Nothing to Disclose
Olson, E. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Ord, R. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Oreadi, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Orentlicher, G. P.
Nobel Biocare: Speaker's Bureau
Ortiz, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Ortiz, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Osborn, T. M.
Nothing to Disclose


Pack, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Padron, V.
Nothing to Disclose
Padwa, B. L.
Nothing to Disclose
Palmieri, C. F. Jr.
Nothing to Disclose
Papageorge, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Paquin, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Parsaei, Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Pasternack, M.
Merck Inc.: Stock/Bonds
Patel, K.
Nothing to Disclose
Patel, V.
Nothing to Disclose
Pavel, F. L.
Nothing to Disclose
Peacock, Z. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Peleg, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Perciaccante, V. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Perenack, J. D.
skinmedica: Consultant
Perrott, D. H.
Nothing to Disclose
Pervolarakis, T.
Nothing to Disclose
Peters, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Petrisor, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Pikos, M. A.
BioHorizons: Consultant and Stock/Bonds
Salvin Dental: Consultant
Carestream: Consultant
Ellman: honoraria
Osteogenics: honoraria
Peizosurgery: honoraria
Platt, J. C.
Nothing to Disclose
Pogrel, M. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Posnick, J. C.
Stryker: Royalties for Products
Powell, K.
Nothing to Disclose
Powers, D. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Powers, M. P.
Nothing to Disclose
Prinsell, J. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Psutka, D.
Biomet Microfixation: Consultant and Speaker's Bureau
Puig, L. M.
Nothing to Disclose


Qualman, E.
Nothing to Disclose
Quereshy, F. A.
Nothing to Disclose


Rabizadeh, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Radu, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Ranalli, N.
Nothing to Disclose
Rashad, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Ratner, S. L.
Nothing to Disclose
Read-Fuller, A. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Rebhun, C.
Nothing to Disclose
Reid, R. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Reinish, E. I.
Nothing to Disclose
Renapurkar, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Renton, T. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Resnick, C. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Rhineberger, E.
Nothing to Disclose
Ricalde, P.
Nothing to Disclose
Ringgold, C.
Nothing to Disclose
Rittenberg, B.
Nothing to Disclose
Robert, R. C. Jr.
Nothing to Disclose
Robertson, C. G.
Nothing to Disclose
Robinson, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Rogers, J. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Rogers, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Rojhani, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Rollert, M. K.
Nothing to Disclose
Rorick, C. C.
Nothing to Disclose
Rosenberg, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Roser, S. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Ruggiero, S. L.
Amgen: Consultant
Ruiz, R. L.
Nothing to Disclose
Ruiz-Rodriguez, R.
Nothing to Disclose


Sacco, D. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Sadr Eshkevari, P.
Nothing to Disclose
Salama, A. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Sansom, K.
Nothing to Disclose
Sardesai, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Sato, I.
Nothing to Disclose
Saw-Martinez, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Sawatari, Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Sawh-Martinez, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Schliephake, H.
Nothing to Disclose
Schlieve, T.
Nothing to Disclose
Schmidt, B. L.
Nothing to Disclose
Schneider, K.
Nothing to Disclose
Schow, B.
Nothing to Disclose
Schow, S. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Schreiber, A. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Schreuder, W. H.
Nothing to Disclose
Schreurs, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Schwartz, D. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Schwendeman, S.
Nothing to Disclose
Sclar, A. G.
Nobel Biocare: Consultant
Geistlich North America: Consultant
Shafer, D. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Shah, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Shanti, R. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Shihabi, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Shimada, Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Shimizu, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Shum, J. W.
Nothing to Disclose
Siegel, S. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Sinn, D.
Biomet Microfixation: Consultant
Skouteris, C. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Slocum, K.
Nothing to Disclose
Smart, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Smith, C.
Nothing to Disclose
Smith, J. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Smith, J. A.
Nothing to Disclose
Smith, K. S.
KLS MArtin: Royalties
Smith, M. H.
Nothing to Disclose
Smith, S. W.
Nothing to Disclose
Snow, J. E.
Nothing to Disclose
Sonnichsen, B.
Nothing to Disclose
Southerland, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Sproat, C.
Nothing to Disclose
Stackowicz, D.
Nothing to Disclose
Stanton, D. C.
AO - ASIF: CME Speaker
Steinbacher, D. M.
Synthes: Research Grant
KLS: Research Grant
Steinberg, B.
Nothing to Disclose
Stewart, J. C.
Nothing to Disclose
Stigall, L. E.
Nothing to Disclose
Stoll, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Strauss, R. A.
Luxarcare: equipment loan
Stronczek, M. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Stucki-McCormick, S. U.
Nothing to Disclose
Suer, B. T.
Nothing to Disclose
Suer, F. E.
Nothing to Disclose
Sun, H. H.
Nothing to Disclose
Sun, Z.
the Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation: Research Grant
Swift, J. Q.
OMSNIC: Chair of the Board
Fortress: Board Member
Swigert, R. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Szumita, P. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Szumita, R. P.
Nothing to Disclose


Tabatabai, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Takacs, G.
Nothing to Disclose
Taxel, P.
Nothing to Disclose
Tayama, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Tee, B. C.
Nothing to Disclose
Tekin, U.
Nothing to Disclose
Thakker, J. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Thompson, R.
NIDCR of NIH: Research Grant
Thompson, S. H.
Nothing to Disclose
Throndson, R. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Tieghi Neto, V.
Nothing to Disclose
Tiwana, P. S.
Biomet: Speaker's Bureau
Todd, D. W.
Nothing to Disclose
Tolomeo, P. G.
Nothing to Disclose
Tomasetti, B. J.
Nobel BioCare: Preferred Customer Pricing
Tompson, B.
Nothing to Disclose
Towne, B. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Trisi, P.
Nothing to Disclose
Troulis, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Turner, M. D.
Depuy Synthes: Consultant
Tursun, R.
Nothing to Disclose
Turvey, T. A.
Nothing to Disclose


Uribe, F.
Nothing to Disclose


Valaei, S. F.
Nothing to Disclose
van de Vijver, M. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Vega, L. G.
Nothing to Disclose
Viet, C. T.
Nothing to Disclose
Villing, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Viozzi, C. F.
Nothing to Disclose
Viswanath, A.
Nothing to Disclose
Vohra, Y. K.
Nothing to Disclose
Vorrasi, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Vyas, H. J.
Nothing to Disclose


Waite, P. D.
Nothing to Disclose
Waligoria, B. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Wallender, A. C.
Nothing to Disclose
Wan, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Waner, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Wang, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Warburton, R. E.
Nothing to Disclose
Ward, B. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Weaver, J. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Welch, T. B.
Nothing to Disclose
West, R. B.
Nothing to Disclose
Weyh, A. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Wheater, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Wherry, J. E.
Nothing to Disclose
White, R. D.
Nothing to Disclose
Will, M. J.
Nothing to Disclose
Williams, B.
Practice Evolutions: President/owner
Williams, B.
Nothing to Disclose
Williams, F. C.
Nothing to Disclose
Wilson, D. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Wilson, G.
Nothing to Disclose
Wilson, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Wolford, L. M.
Nothing to Disclose
Wong, M. E.
national institute of health: Research Grant
DoD for AFIRM: Research Grant
Osteoscience: Scientific Review panel
Wright, J.
Nothing to Disclose
Wrzosek, M. K.
Nothing to Disclose
Wu, R.
Nothing to Disclose


Yamada, H.
Nothing to Disclose
Yamamoto, N.
Nothing to Disclose
Yasukawa, M.
Nothing to Disclose
Ye, Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Yeoh, M. S.
Nothing to Disclose
Ying, Y.
Nothing to Disclose
Young, S.
Nothing to Disclose


Zafar, U.
Nothing to Disclose
Zaid, Z. R.
Nothing to Disclose
Zellner, E. G.
Nothing to Disclose
Zemplenyi, K.
Nothing to Disclose
Zhang, Q.
Nothing to Disclose
Zide, M. F.
Nothing to Disclose
Zieman, M. T.
Nothing to Disclose
Zweig, B. E.
Nothing to Disclose