2015 Annual Meeting: http://www.aaoms.org/annual_meeting/2015/index.php

Dentoalveolar Breakout Session: Tooth Transplantation

Friday, October 2, 2015
11:00 AM-11:50 AM

150B (Walter E. Washington Convention Center)

This is a non-ticketed session.

M. Anthony Pogrel DDS, MD, FACS, FRCS
San Francisco, CA, USA

CE Credit Hours: 1.00


Despite aggressive marketing and widespread use of dental implants, some patients can benefit greatly from alternative treatment options, including tooth transplantation. Appropriate case selection, thoughtful treatment planning and implementation can greatly improve the outcomes of care for patients who meet the selection criteria. In this session, the presenter will discuss the techniques of tooth transplantation and factors that may improve the outcomes for this method of dental reconstruction.

Learning Objectives
  1. List the selection and prognostic criteria for tooth transplantation;
  2. Describe the steps for performing a tooth transplantation procedure; and
  3. Discuss the pitfalls and identify factors that will improve the outcomes of tooth transplantation.

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