2015 Annual Meeting: http://www.aaoms.org/annual_meeting/2015/index.php

Oral Abstract Track Two: OSA, Orthognathic, Trauma

Friday, October 2, 2015
7:30 AM-9:30 AM

152B (Walter E. Washington Convention Center)

This is a non-ticketed session.
CE Credit Hours: 2.00
7:30 AM
3D Volumetric Analysis of Pharyngeal Airway of 50 Individuals Who Underwent Maxillary Advancement
Eduardo S. Gonçales DDS, PhD ; Victor Tieghi Neto DDS MSc ; Celso F Palmieri Jr. DDS ; G. E. Ghali DDS, MD, FACS

7:40 AM
7:50 AM
Clockwise and Counterclockwise Le Fort I Movements Influence Nasolabial Morphology Differently
Rajendra Sawh-Martinez MD ; Christopher DeSesa DMD ; Robin Wu BA ; Derek M. Steinbacher DMD, MD

8:10 AM
8:20 AM
Skeletal Stability of Orthognathic Surgery: A Comparison of Patients Over and Under 40 Years of Age
Cameron C.Y. Lee BS ; Zachary S. Peacock DMD, MD, FACS ; Leonard B. Kaban DMD, MD

8:30 AM
Analysis of Resident Time Spent in Traditional Versus Virtual Treatment Planning for Orthognathic Surgery
Mariusz K. Wrzosek DMD, MD ; Amir Laviv DDS ; Batya Goldwaser DMD, MD ; Ricardo Ortiz DMD, MD ; Maria Troulis DDS, MSc ; Leonard B. Kaban DMD, MD

8:50 AM
Surgically Assisted Rapid Palato-Maxillary Expansion With/Without Pterygomaxillary Disjunction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Pooyan Sadr Eshkevari DDS ; Adrien Hamedi Sangsari ; Ashkan Rashad Dr. Med. Dr. Med. Dent. ; Reinhard E. Friedrich Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. ; Earl G. Freymiller DMD, MD

9:00 AM
The Impact of Le Fort I Advancement and Widening on Nasiolabial Morphology
Christopher DeSesa DMD ; Raj Saw-Martinez MD ; Philipp Metzler MD, DMD ; Derek M. Steinbacher DMD, MD

9:20 AM
Transconjunctival Versus Endoscopic-Assisted Orbital Reconstruction: A Human Cadaver Study on the Predictability of Implant Position
Jesper Jansen MD ; Leander Dubois MD, DMD ; Ruud Schreurs Ir. ; Thomas J.J. Maal Ir. ; Peter J.J. Gooris MD,DMD, PhD, FEBOMFS ; Alfred G. Becking MD,DMD,PhD, FEBOMFS