2015 Annual Meeting: http://www.aaoms.org/annual_meeting/2015/index.php

Surgery First: Combined Orthognathic Surgery and Orthodontic Treatment Planning

Saturday, October 3, 2015
7:30 AM-9:30 AM

150A (Walter E. Washington Convention Center)

TicketedThis is a Fee Ticket Session
  • S312 Steinbacher Uribe.pdf (1.3 MB)
  • Speaker:

    Derek M. Steinbacher DMD, MD
    New Haven, CT, USA


    Flavio Uribe DDS, MDentSc
    Farmington, CT, USA

    CDE/CME Offered: CDE/CME
    CE Credit Hours: 2.00


    The combined goals of presurgical orthodontics and orthognathic surgery entail achieving a robust occlusal, functional and esthetic result with longevity. A "surgery-first" approach limits the total treatment time by obviating the need for prolonged presurgical orthodontics. The ultimate orthodontic movements are incorporated into the surgical scheme, allowing for excellent results in shorter time. The speakers will present the rationale and approach for the surgery first approach, with a multitude of representative cases.

    Learning Objectives
    1. Describe the-"surgery-first"-approach to combined orthodontics and orthognathic surgery;
    2. Apply the planning, sequence, and scheme of a-"surgery-first"-approach to clinical practice; and
    3. Judge the parameters in place and overall results when employing a-"surgery-first"-approach.

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