Clinical and Scientific Innovations for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Conference:

Regenerative Medicine for Dentoalveolar Reconstruction

Sunday, April 30, 2017
10:15 AM-12:30 PM
This is a non-ticketed session.

Joseph E. Cillo Jr. DMD, PhD, MPH, FACS
Pittsburgh, Pa., USA

Zachary S. Peacock DMD, MD, FACS
Boston, Mass., USA


CE Credit Hours: 2.25

Regenerative medicine techniques have been a valuable and powerful tool in the reconstruction of complex oral, maxillofacial, and dentoalveolar defects. The utilization of advanced protocols in stem cell and growth factor procurement have spear headed new techniques that have allowed for previously uncertain maxillofacial reconstruction to have more predicable outcomes. These advanced biotechnologies have led to better regenerative methods that have improved reconstructive success. This symposium will highlight and detail these novel biotechnologies in regenerative medicine that have proven to be successful and pragmatic in maxillofacial reconstruction.

Learning Objectives
  1. Understand the utilization of stem therapy in tissue engineering for the reconstruction of maxillofacial defects;
  2. Describe the benefits of autologous and recombinant growth factors in the reconstruction of complex maxillofacial reconstruction; and
  3. Demonstrate knowledge pertaining to novel regenerative methods in maxillofacial reconstruction.

10:15 AM
Stem Cells in Dentoalveolar Reconstruction Robert E. Marx DDS
  • Robert Marx.pdf (2.7 MB)
  • 11:15 AM
    Hybridized Reconstruction of Mandibular/Dentoalveolar Defects Beomjune Kim DMD, MD, FACS ; Waleed Zaid DDS, FRCD(c), MSc
    12:15 PM
    Panel Q&A