10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Mandalay Bay Ballroom A (Mandalay Bay Convention Center)

Jeffrey B. Carter DMD, MD
Nashville, TN, USA
CDE/CME Offered: CDE
CE Credit Hours: 2.00
OMSs have rapidly incorporated cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging into their scope of practice; however the adoption of the clinical indications and payment policies by medical and dental carriers is still evolving. This program will review current published literature, a national academic and practitioner survey, and the growing trends of prior authorization, patient safety, written reports and accreditation as future prerequisites for third party reimbursements.
- Discuss the published indications for CBCT in OMS practice;
- Describe why CBCT represents a disruptive technology into the OMS practice work flow; and
- Discover the competitive advantage of accreditation when interfacing with carriers.