1:30 PM-4:30 PM
Surf AB (Mandalay Bay Convention Center)

Leslie Canham CDA, RDA
Copperopolis, CA, USA
CDE/CME Offered: CDE
CE Credit Hours: 3.00
This OSHA safety program meets annual bloodborne pathogen training requirements. Take home tools include: checklists for conducting an OSHA inspection, designing a “personalized” OSHA safety plan, tips for organizing an OSHA safety meeting that meets the annual bloodborne pathogen training requirements, a sample exposure incident plan, and other helpful resources.
- Explain the basic elements of a bloodborne pathogen program for the OMS team;
- Understand how to set up an OSHA safety program, utilize an OSHA manual and create personalize written safety plans to meet OSHA requirements; and
- Explain how to prevent exposure incidents, how to manage exposure incidents, and identify hazards in the dental office.