2016 Annual Meeting: http://www.aaoms.org/meetings-exhibitions/annual-meeting/98th-annual-meeting/

Numb Lip, Numb Chin, Numb Tongue: What to Do When.

Thursday, September 22, 2016
7:00 AM-11:00 AM

South Seas Ballroom C (Mandalay Bay Convention Center)

TicketedThis is a Fee Ticket Session

Ramzey Tursun DDS
Miami, FL, USA


J. Marshall Green III DDS, LCDR, USN
Miami, FL, USA

Andre C. Ledoux DMD, MAJ, USA
Homestead, FL, USA

Clark R. Hudson JD
San Diego, CA, USA


CE Credit Hours: 4.00


This course is sold out.
The treatment of patients with trigeminal nerve injury can often prove demanding. The presenters will discuss the materials available for nerve repair, perform a hands-on demonstration of appropriate surgical technique, and review key tips for patient evaluation and management.

Learning Objectives
  1. Display an understanding of causes, assessment, testing, conservative management, and indications for referral in the patient with trigeminal nerve injury;
  2. Review the available materials to be used in nerve repair surgery; and
  3. Demonstrate with detailed surgical photography and a hands-on experience the techniques used in repairing various injuries to the trigeminal nerve.

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