2016 Annual Meeting: http://www.aaoms.org/meetings-exhibitions/annual-meeting/98th-annual-meeting/

The Use of 3D Strut Plates for the Management of Mandibular Angle Fractures:  A Retrospective Analysis of 222 Patients

Fawaz H. Alotaibi BDS Miami, FL, USA
Yoh Sawatari DDS Miami, FL, USA
Hisham A Marwan DDS Miami, FL, USA
John W Gannon DDS Miami, FL, USA
Michael Peleg DMD Miami, FL, USA
Purpose: This article evaluates the use of 3D strut plates for the surgical management of mandibular angle fractures and evaluates the subsequent postoperative complication rate.

Material and Method: Two hundred and twenty-two patients met the inclusion criteria for mandible angle fractures at Jackson Memorial/University of Miami Medical Center between 2009 and 2013 and were included in this research. Our treatment protocol for mandibular angle fractures included open reduction and internal fixation with the utilization of a 3D strut plate. Patients were not placed in postoperative intermaxillary fixation (IMF).

Results: An evaluation of the cases revealed a complication rate of 16%, of which 7% were considered major complications requiring surgical intervention. We have found that the 3D strut plate has many advantages over monoplate techniques with respect to the stability of the fracture and the rate of complications.

Conclusion: Based on the current data, 3D strut plates provide a predictable result in the treatment of mandibular angle fractures.


Al-Moraissi, E. A., El-Sharkawy, T. M., El-Ghareeb, T. I. & Chrcanovic, B. R. Three-dimensional versus standard miniplate fixation in the management of mandibular angle fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 43, 708-716, doi:10.1016/j.ijom.2014.02.002 (2014).

Ellis, E., 3rd. Treatment methods for fractures of the mandibular angle. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 28, 243-252 (1999).