Dare to Compare

Thursday, September 11, 2014
1:00 PM-3:00 PM

316B (Hawaii Convention Center)

Ticketed This is a Practice Management Day Pass Session.
  • P709 FINAL.pdf (3.2 MB)
  • Speakers:

    John S. Bauer MBA, CPA, CVA
    Strongsville, OH, USA

    Robert G. Haney BBA
    Strongsville, OH, USA

    CDE/CME Offered: No CE Offered


    Contemporary management methods use measurements of business characteristics and attributes to compare and contrast with industry standards. OMS practices can benefit from measuring themselves against industry benchmarks created from other practices, information and national business profiles. Participants will recognize where their practices differ from the industry standards and recognize areas of needed improvement.

    Learning Objectives
    1. Utilize appropriate tools to measure their practice efficiency; and
    2. Compare their practice performance to industry benchmarks.