Chalmers J. Lyons Memorial Lecture: Facial Reconstruction/Transplantation

Friday, September 12, 2014
7:00 AM-8:30 AM

Ballroom B (Hawaii Convention Center)

This is a non-ticketed session.

Norman J. Betts DDS, MS
Ann Arbor, MI, USA


Qingfeng Li MD, PhD
Shanghai, China



Facial disfigurement poses a threat to quality of life. Facial allotransplantation (FAT) brings hope, but also potentially profound problems and is, therefore, indicated only for a highly select group. For the vast majority of patients, facial reconstruction might be the more realistic choice. Although much less risky, the reconstructive approaches generally yield poor esthetic outcomes. In view of this, we have introduced emerging technologies, including stem cell transplantation and three-dimensional (3D) simulation, to revitalize the established flap techniques.

Learning Objectives
  1. Introduce our integrated approach for facial reconstruction;
  2. Discuss the potential of stem cell therapy and 3-dimensional (3D) simulation use in reconstructive surgery ;
  3. Discuss the concept of functional FAT; and
  4. Invoke deeper thinking, eg , how to do most good and least possible harm within the limits of the state-of-art techniques.

7:00 AM
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