Newly Concept of the Limited Mouth Opening Disorder: Clinical Characteristics and Diagnosis of Patients With Masticatory Muscle Tendon-Aponeurosis Hyperplasia
Materials and Methods:This study group comprised 19patients (0 male, 19 female) with masticatory muscle tendon-aponeurosis hyperplasia. 8patients (8 female) were selected for cephalometric analysis and 11patients (0male, 11female) were selected for analysis of mandibular movement. The control group consisted of 9 volunteers ( 0male, 9female) without limited mouth opening or TMD symptoms showing a skeletal morphology resembling masticatory muscle tendon-aponeurosis hyperplasia.
Results:Cephalometric analysis showed that the gonial angle (p<0.01), FMA (p< 0.05), cant of the occlusal plane (p<0.01), and Y-axis (p<0.001) were significantly lower than the standard values. The saddle angle (p<0.05) and facial angle (p<0.001) were significantly greater than the standard values. Linear analysis showed that S-Go/N-Me was significantly lower than the standard value (p<0.05). Analysis of mandibular movement showed a significantly shorter mouth opening distance in the patient group than that in the control group (p < 0.01), but no significant difference in the amount of left and right lateral movement between the two groups.
Conclusion:This study showed the skeletal and kinesiological features of the mandible in this disease using cephalometric analysis and mandibular kinesiography.
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2)Sato,T.etal:Proteomicanalysisofmasticatorymuscletendon-aponeurosishyperplasia:Apreliminary study using a 2D-DIGE system. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Patho 2012;24.185-188.