Unitary Single Tooth Immediate Loading Implants, a Survival Analysis

Marcelo S. Monnazzi DDS, Msc, PhD, Diagnosis and Surgery Department, Dental School of Araraquara - UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil
Mario F Gabrielli DDS, Msc,PhD, Dental School of Araraquara - UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil
Marisa A Gabrielli DDS, Msc,PhD, Dental School of Araraquara - UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil
Valfrido A Pereira-Filho DDS, Msc,PhD, Dental School of Araraquara - UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil

Unitary single tooth immediate loading implants, a survival analysis.

Since the discovery of the osseointegration proccess by Branemark more than 40 years ago, the rehabilitation by dental implants is used more every day, due to its high clinical success rates.

����������� At the conventional protocol, the implants are loaded after 3 to 6 months of its installation. That in thesis would avoid a fibrotic union between bone and implant that is the cause for the implant failure.�

����������� Degidi and Piatelli1 (2005), compared implants submitted to immediate functional load and delayed load, and they found similar success rates for booth kind of treatment (over 98%).

So, it was selected 12 adult patients that presented lack of posterior teeth and whose whishes for implant rehabilitation, selected as they lock for the service. The inclusion criteria were: agreement with the consent inform previously presented for every patients; to have at least one teeth posterior to the edentulous area; bone thickness enough to install a 3.75 mm implant; bone height enough for the insertion of at least a 11 mm implant; patient with no oral or TMJ parafunction; health patients; patients that not presented addictions; do not have been submitted to an implant insertion at this same spot previously; patients that presented oral satisfactory oral hygiene.

�All procedures were done in ambulatorial envoirement under local anesthesia (Articaine with adrenaline � 1:100.000). The patients took antibiotics one hour previously to the surgery (1g (gram) of amoxiciline) and for those who presented allergic history to this antibiotic it was used 300 mg of clindamicine. The antisepsis intra-oral and extra-oral was done with clorexidine at 0,12% concentration. So the antibiotic as the oral antiseptic were kept for the 7 first days after the surgery.

This study aimed to demonstrate the survival of single dental implants installed in the posterior mandible underwent immediate loading.

Evaluation methods consisted of clinical, radiographic and Osstell parameters. As result, after 12 months of the placement of dental implants and prostheses were observed 83.3% survival for the technique of immediate function. Implants showed no clinical mobility, with values ​​of ISQ (Osstell) around 70, bone loss of up to 1 mm and probing depth less than or equal to 3 mm in the period.

The immediate load in unitary implants at the posterior mandible areas is a satisfactory alternative regarding the aesthetics and labor time. However, when using this technique attention must be paid to bone quality and quantity and presence or absence of parafunction as well as the oral hygene.

1. Degidi M, Piatelli A. Comparative analysis study of 702 dental implants subjected to immediate functional loading and immediate non functional loading to traditional healing periods with a follow-up of up 24 months. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2005; 20: 99-107.

2. Degidi M, Nardi D, Piattelli A. Peri-implant tissue and radiographic bone levels in the immediately restored single-tooth implant: a retrospective analysis. J Periodontol. 2008; 79(2): 252-9.