A Case of MALT Lymphoma Arising From the Minor Salivary Glands of the Plate
A Case of MALT Lymphoma Arising From the Minor Salivary Glands of the Plate
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma (MALT lymphoma) is a low-grade malignant neoplasm of lymphoid tissue of stomach, lung, mammary gland, kidney, liver, thyroid gland, thymus, and sarivary gland.
Intraoral MALT lymphoma is rare.
We describe a case of MALT lymphoma arising from the minor salivary glands of the hard plate.
A 80-year-old woman noticed a painless mass in the plate, which enlarged very slowly.
An elastic, painless, soft tumor 10×10 mm was located in the plate.
An excision with 5 mm surgical margins was perfomed to remove the lesion.
Histopathologic evaluation of the tumor discosed lymphoma with MALT characteristics.
After surgery sjogren syndorome was diagnosed.
Sjogren syndorome-related MALT lymphoma was suggested.