An Examination of the Effect of New Disinfectant (MatatacoroTM) for Patients With Terminal Oral Cancer or Abscess

Kimio Uchiyama PhD, Dentistry and Oral Surgery, National Hospital Organization Tochigi Medical Center, Utsunomiya, Japan
Manabu Yamada , Dentistry and Oral Surgery, National Hospital Organization Tochigi Medical Center, Utsunomiya, Japan

Bad smell associated with tumor progression, tissue necrosis  and infection cause lower QOL of the patients. It is usually used for  antibiotics, pack, antiseptic solution and deodorization machine. They all takes a high health care cost and medical expenses. Especially, it is of importance for patients with terminal cancer and make them and their family to suffer financial difficulties for the patients with terminal cancer, lower QOL and shorterrest of their life, it will make their QULYs ( Quality Adjusted Life Years) worse.

【Materials and methods】

Chlorine dioxide is stabilized, and then new disinfectant (MatatacoroTM)  by using it as a main ingredient has been developed. The safety for humans is identified without carcinogens in this new disinfectant as well as existing chlorine dioxide.The effectiveness of disinfection and antimicrobial activity for bacteria is strengthened. MIC and MBC measurements proved that this new disinfectant is highly effective for general bacteria such as E.coli, St.aureus, MRSA, Ps.aeruginosa, Bacteroides and Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, Treponema forsythia and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans which are pathogens of dental caries and periodontitis. We focused on these characteristics and have been reported that this disinfectant is effective on the control of mouth bacteria by using this disinfectant for treatment of periodontal disease as an oral rinse.

At this time, we used this disinfectant for the oral care of the patients with terminal oral cancer or abscess. We have treated the patients with oral rinse and/or irrigation by this new disinfectant everyday, once or twise a day. It was administer some antibiotics as needed. We examined the effct against odor elimination and anti-inflammation with clinical, blood and bacteriological evaluation. In addision, we evaluationed the QALY.


It was effective against odor elimination and anti-inflammation by using this disinfectant. It was possible to control of odor elimination without antibiotics, other antiseptic solution and deodorization machine. It makes the high QOL of the other inpatients and staff as well as patients. For the abscess, it hastened to get anti-inflammation.


1. The new disinfectant (MatatacoroTM) was effective against odor elimination and anti-inflammation.

2. The cost efficiency was excelled by reduction in medical cost because of the drug and air purifier used for odor elimination. Then, the improvement of QALYs was found.