Geistlich Biomaterials: Selection of the Appropriate Donor Material for Your Grafting Procedures
4:30 PM-5:30 PM
W414B (Orange County Convention Center)
Peter K. Moy DMD
Los Angeles, CA, USA
The Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon is well-trained to manage a variety of clinical situations where grafting procedure will be necessary to reconstruct the deficient alveolar ridge. Often the defects are significant and the specific technique required to restore the defects and grafting materials are dictated by the size of the defect. However, in the clinical practice, the OMS is faced with a variety of clinical situations where decision must be made to graft or not to graft. Often, when the decision is made to graft, a variety of donor materials may be used due to the limited size of the defect or small volume of graft material required to augment the defect. It is imperative for the OMS to determine the best material to use as the donor material to optimize clinical outcome for their patients. This decision will be based on the experience the surgeon has with a particular material, cost-effectiveness using the material selected but most importantly, the patient's decision based on an informed consent. This presentation will focus on the use of Geistlich Bio-Oss® for specific clinical situations where hard tissue augmentation is required, clinical outcomes achieved with Geistlich Bio-Oss® and the clinical situations where this material should be considered as the material of choice. Histological and immunohistochemical analyses will be used to support the recommendations.
- Select the appropriate donor material(s) to use for each clinical scenario;
- Understand the benefits of using an alloplastic material for each clinical deficiency encountered in the office setting; and
- Address issues or concerns with their patients on use of a bovine product.