DePuy Synthes CMF: Innovations in Computer Assisted Surgery and Patient Specific Devices
11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Exhibit Hall D1-D2 (Orange County Convention Center)

Daniel Buchbinder DMD, MD
New York, NY, USA
The combination of High Definition Medical Imaging, rapid manufacturing and associated patient specific implant technologies is a rapidly expanding field with wide application potential in challenging reconstructive, distraction and orthognathic cases. Typical applications include the making of three-dimensional (3D) models for treatment planning, the production of intraoperative surgical guides and splints to guide the surgeon’s reconstructive efforts and the fabrication of customized implants to match the patient’s anatomy. Using intuitive, easy to follow steps, ProPlan CMF™ software will be used to demonstrate the workflow in the evaluation of the patient’s anatomy (preparation of the 3D virtual model), performance of measurements, segmentation and mirroring, simulation of segmental resections and planned osteotomies. The presentation will illustrate how, based on the specific patient plan, surgical guides and splints are then designed and produced for an accurate transfer to the surgery. Sample cases will include the use of titanium patient specific plates (PSP) that are designed (virtually) and matched to the patient’s anatomy to reconstruct defects and provide fixation for bone-containing flaps used to restore form and function. The product theater session will demonstrate the use of state of the art software/hardware tools and workflow of computer assisted treatment planning in craniomaxillofacial reconstructive surgery. This will be illustrated with challenging cases from the presenter’s practice, enabling the participants to further their understanding of the versatility of these techniques and how they can positively affect surgical outcomes.
- Uploading of the DICOM data-sets;
- Threshold manipulation and image fusion;
- 3D modeling;
- Segmentation of region of interest;
- Analysis and formulation of surgical plan;
- Simulation of plan and creation of the virtual surgical guides/splints and patient specific plate (PSP);
- Fabrication of PSP, surgical guides and/or splints; and
- Comparison of pre/postoperative data-sets, for validation of virtual plan and postoperative result.