Cosmetic Facial Surgery Preconference
8:00 AM-12:00 PM
W222A-B (Orange County Convention Center)
Faisal A. Quereshy MD, DDS, FACS
Cleveland, OH, USA
This program will focus on the "hot topics" in facial rejuvenation and the clinical debate regarding the variety of procedures that can be offered to patients. All surgical treatment modalities will focus on clinical indications, discussion of surgical techniques, postoperative considerations, and adverse outcomes and sequelae. Focus will be on upper facial rejuvenation, lower face and neck lifting, facial volume restoration with augmentation and nasal reshaping. Participants will hear the clinical debate for offering controversial treatment options. A panel for case discussion will follow each major topic area with an "Ask the Expert" session.
- Differentiate surgical treatment modalities for patients on upper facial rejuvenation, lower face and neck lifting, facial volume restoration with augmentation, and nasal reshaping;
- Describe the various clinical indications, surgical techniques, postoperative considerations, and adverse outcomes of these surgical modalities; and
- Interpret pros and cons of offering various treatment options by a panel of experts.