Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
Friday, October 11, 2013
8:00 AM-3:00 PM
8:00 AM-3:00 PM
W221D-E (Orange County Convention Center)

John Klatt
Santee, CA, USA
This one-day course uses the American Heart Association’s Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) curriculum for the emergency evaluation and management of pediatric patients. The course will focus on the PALS curriculum and certification, and includes lectures, skills stations and interactive case-based sessions. Upon successful completion of skills testing and a written exam, the participant will be issued a PALS provider card. Pre-course preparation is necessary, and study materials will be provided.
Learning Objectives
- Administer pediatric advanced life support, successfully completing the PALS course;
- Demonstrate effective communication as a member or leader of a resuscitation team and recognize the impact of team dynamics on overall team performance; and
- Manage cardiac and respiratory arrest until return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), termination of resuscitation, or transfer of care.
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