The New Implant Coordinator in the High-tech OMS Practice
The New Implant Coordinator in the High-tech OMS Practice
Thursday, October 10, 2013
1:00 PM-5:00 PM
1:00 PM-5:00 PM
W240A-B (Orange County Convention Center)

Marten N. Ladman DMD
Marlboro, NJ, USA
Cindy Rothenberg RDH
Marlboro, NJ, USA
CDE/CME Offered: CDE Only
Keep the surgeon’s main focus on operating and managing patient care. Efficiently and effectively incorporate the use of technology into the restoratively driven implant practice. Envision an empowered support team for patient and interdisciplinary education, communication and marketing from the actual experiences in the trenches of an evolved, successful, high-tech, busy OMS practice.
Learning Objectives
- Develop a support team with the ability for optimal involvement in patient education and technology-driven surgical support; and
- Prioritize the surgeon’s non-clinical tasks to efficiently and effectively transition patients through the interdisciplinary process.