The Prevention, Recognition and Management of Anesthesia Complications

Saturday, October 12, 2013
10:30 AM-12:30 PM

W224C (Orange County Convention Center)

TicketedThis is a Ticketed Session
  • S423 BoulouxFarishAnesthesia.pdf (1.3 MB)
  • Speaker:

    Sam E. Farish DMD
    Atlanta, GA, USA


    Gary F. Bouloux MD, DDS, MDSc
    Atlanta, GA, USA

    CDE/CME Offered: CDE/CME

    The purpose of this presentation is to review the last 11 years of OMSNIC closed claims, to identify common causes of anesthesia mortality, and to develop strategies to prevent, recognize and manage complications

    Learning Objectives
    1. Identify the top 10 causes of anesthesia mortality; and
    2. Identify the top 5 mistakes made by OMSs leading to office-based mortalities.

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