Establishing a Head and Neck Cancer Database Within a London Regional Head and Neck Cancer Unit

Thursday, October 10, 2013
Greg Logan BDS, BSc, MFDS, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
Omar Sheikh BDS MFDS, Maxillofacial Department, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom
Ravinder Pabla BDS MBBS MFDS MRCS, Maxillofacial Department, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom

Since May 2012 there has been a capture of 33 variables from all Northwick Parks Head and Neck Oncology patients. Utilising, the guidelines of the UK National Head and Neck Audit Project.  It is the absence of accurate systematic prospective data collection that poses a major obstacle to improving Oral and maxillofacial oncology care in the United Kingdom.


The aim of the database is provide a mine of information to better understand clinical oncology practice at Northwick Park. Allowing future analysis to accurately risk adjust. The public should have access to accurate and risk adjusted clinical Information. Capture: Every Cancer Patient seen by OMFS in Northwick park is filed for data input such as notes, pathology reports and Then database is populated by one of the SHO and  SCFs. Methods: The creation of a 33 variable intuitive Excel spread sheet from Name, Age, Date of Birth to Staging at MDT and MDT outcome, date of first operation to adjuvant therapy planed etc

Results and Conclusions

Results: the collection of detailed information on all oncology patients since May 2012.  Creating an audit team analysing the mined information. Discussion: over the next year the goal is to scale up to Collection to all Cancer patients seen at NPH. With the first addition of ENT patients. As a group discuss the variables which we feel best to capture in lines with current national guideline. To ensure robustness and completeness of database streamline the data collection.  Utilising pro-formas, completed after the MDT and upon post operative Discharge, review appointments.