Open Forum on Cleft, Craniofacial and Pediatric OMS: Perspectives on Craniofacial Surgery

Thursday, September 13, 2012
7:30 AM-10:00 AM

28A-B (San Diego Convention Center)


Open Forum on Cleft, Craniofacial and Pediatric OMS: Perspectives on Craniofacial Surgery

This is a non-ticketed session.

Pat Ricalde DDS, MD
Tampa, FL, USA


This forum will cover the historical perspectives of craniofacial surgery in the United States. In addition, presentations with counterpoint views on the use of early strip craniectomy compared with more aggressive reconstructive procedures in the care of the craniosynostosis patient will be presented during this forum.

Learning Objectives
  1. Display a better understanding of the history and advances of craniofacial surgery.
  2. Assess the benefits and undesirable outcomes of strip craniectomy.
  3. Assess the benefits and undesirable outcomes of more invasive reconstructive precedures used in the care of children with synostosis.

7:30 AM
Pat Ricalde DDS, MD

7:35 AM
Presentation: Biology of Craniosynostosis
M. Cohen DMD,MSc, MPH,PhD

8:35 AM
9:10 AM
9:45 AM
Discussion on Minimally Invasive vs. Traditional Craniofacial Surgery
Pat Ricalde DDS, MD ; Joseph Napoli DDS, MD ; Mark Urata DDS, MD

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