A Systematic Pre-treatment Evaluation Method for Treatment of the Edentulous Patient With a Fixed Prosthesis
10:00 AM-12:00 PM
26A-B (San Diego Convention Center)
A Systematic Pre-treatment Evaluation Method for Treatment of the Edentulous Patient With a Fixed Prosthesis
This is a ticketed session.Edmond Bedrossian DDS
San Francisco, CA, USA
Many potential candidates for implant restoration of the fully edentulous maxilla and/or mandible are primarily interested in a fixed restoration as opposed to a bar/clip overdenture. While there are many factors to consider in the pretreatment work-up, there is an advantage to being able to determine the feasibility of a fixed restoration early in the consultation process before significant time is invested in diagnostic procedures. This presentation examines three critical factors necessary to providing a fixed restoration that can be used as a screening mechanism to determine the possibility of a fixed implant restoration and likelihood of necessary bone grafting procedures to achieve the desired outcome.
- Describe the different final prostheses for an implant-supported restoration.
- Explain how to avoid vital structures of the edentulus maxilla and mandible.
- Discuss "bail out" procedures available in case of intraoperative or postoperative complications.