Employee Embezzlement and Fraud: Detection, Prevention, and Prosecution

Thursday, September 13, 2012
9:00 AM-12:00 PM

30A-B (San Diego Convention Center)


Employee Embezzlement and Fraud: Detection, Prevention, and Prosecution

Ticketed This is a ticketed session.
  • P703.pdf (1.2 MB)
  • Speaker:

    Donald P. Lewis DDS
    Euclid, OH, USA

    CDE/CME Offered: No CE Offered

    Attacking the small business owner with a variety of different "scams and schemes," white-collar criminals are stealing each and every day! On the average, four out of 10 healthcare offices are or will be victims of fraud and embezzlement. This clinic gives attendees take-home, proven internal controls to safeguard their assets. This is designed so attendees can empower themselves with enough knowledge to reduce the risk of becoming a victim. It also gives attendees the needed tools to recognize fraud and embezzlement, and provides a step-by-step action plan for prevention and prosecution. Who Should Attend: Fellows/Members and Residents.

    Learning Objectives
    1. Explain the basis behind employee embezzlement and prevention.
    2. Examine how an actual case of computer fraud can transpire.
    3. Discuss how to implement internal controls.

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